(Collector Gems) – Alexandrite is a popular June birthstone.

The June birthstone is pearl. In addition, Alexandrite and moonstone also represent gems from this month. Pearl is an organic gemstone that comes into life thanks to the sea animals under water. On the other hand, alexandrite and moonstone are inorganic ones that take millions of years to form under the earth’s crust.

June Birthstone

1. June Birthstone Alexandrite

The June birthstone Alexandrite is the name for the chrysoberyl with a hardness of 8.5 on the Mohs scale. It is named after the King Alexander of Russia since the first stone to be mined was from this country. The most impressive aspect of this gem is that it displays two colors under the natural and fluorescent lights due to its natural chemical composition. In addition to Russia, Sri Lanka, Africa, and Brazil are major producers of the mineral. However, the gems from these places differ slightly in their appearance, especially when it comes to color.

Alexandrite brings fortune and good luck to the wearer. It is a sign of beauty and elegance once it is part of the jewelry. The gem is popular among royals and displays opulence and wealth.

2. June Birthstone Moonstone

The June birthstone, moonstone is usually translucent or opaque. Most of the times, it is ideal to cut them in cabochon or fancy shapes. Jewelers love to use the gem in earrings and pendants as it shows a sheen on the surface. The gemstone gets its name from the moon since it displays the crescent effect if you see it from different angles. India and Sri Lanka are the most important sources of moonstone in the world. These two places have been producing the stone in large quantities for centuries.

Moonstone is good for the spiritual, emotional, and psychological well-being of the wearer. It helps you to bring change in life without compromising on the energy of the body. The gem benefits the internal organs and removes toxins that cause illnesses and diseases.

3. June Birthstone Pearl

The June birthstone pearl is an organic gem that comes from oysters or mussels in the sea, ocean, river, or lake. Natural pearls are rare to find and most of those available in the market are cultured (or farmed). Pearls have long been considered a sign of beauty as they display multi-colored shine on their surface. These are soft since protein excretion from sea animals make up the entirety of the gemstone. One should take extreme care to keep a pearl safe from scratches or damage. Similarly, a direct contact with fragrance can have a de-coloring and damaging effect on the gem.

Pearls are associated with virtue, modesty, and clarity. They have in been use in jewelry since ancient times. It was common to wear these in weddings in India and the Arab world.

The pearl birthstone has many healing properties. People from antiquity believed in the longevity and success that it brought to the wearer. It was also thought to improve vision and helped with anxiety. The gem can help get rid of many serious illnesses such as stomachache and outpouring.



Garnet-HD-Icon June Birthstone


Amethyst-HD-Icon June Birthstone


Aquamarine-HD-Icon June Birthstone


White-Topaz-HD-Icon June Birthstone


Emerald-HD-Icon June Birthstone


Alexandrite-HD June Birthstone












