Crystals Directory


























Crystals – Buying, History, Mythology, and Structure

Crystals have vibrations that bring about spiritual alchemy and multi-dimensional healing. Some are higher resonances of existing stones. Aventurine and Spectrolite, for instance, take the energy of the existing stone to a new level. Other stones have been used for millennia but are more accessible now. Crystals are available from Pakistan, Afghanistan, Russia, and China, among many other countries.

Though far from accessible, the incredible ancient rocks of Greenland revealed by receding ice are also offering remarkable stones. Not only are new sources of stones opening up, but the internet and online auction sites now make it possible to obtain a stone from anywhere in the world almost instantly. The online descriptions of stones – especially of size – should be checked carefully before making a purchase.

Some excellent crystals can be obtained this way and the fun of bidding makes the process more special. Success indicates that a stone is truly for you.

How to Buy Real Crystals?

When you want to buy real crystals, try to remember that biggest is not necessarily the best, nor does the most beautiful stone equate to the most potent. It is also not necessary to get a faceted stone. Although faceted stones make beautiful jewelry and are a delight to wear, raw rock can be as powerful. It depends on what you want to do with the stone. Try to make ‘fit for purpose’ your criteria when buying.

Also, consider the energy of each particular stone. When your heart feels the energy, you choose wisely.

This website describes how stones work spiritually, karmically, mentally, environmentally, emotionally, psychologically, and physically. So, you can choose exactly the right stone for your needs.

Indicating where to position the stone for maximum impact and healing, we will help you to combine and place stones to enhance energy, protect your space, open chakras and subtle energy meridians, and journey safely into the multi- and inter-dimensional worlds that enfold us. All crystals need cleansing and activating before use.

How Crystals came in use?

No one knows how or why humans first came to use crystals. However, there is evidence that they have been doing so for thousands of years. Amazing crystals are still making themselves known to us, and all but a few have their origin deep within the earth. The exceptions are the result of ‘supernatural’ events, such as Fulgarite, born from lightning-struck sand.

The resulting crystals seemed like gifts from the gods and how highly they were prizes is illustrated by the use of Libyan Gold in the funeral ornaments of Tutankhamun.

Miniature storehouses, born as the earth solidified, crystals record the development of the earth over millions of years. They metamorphosed as the planet itself changed. We might think of them as the earth’s DNA or a mineral blueprint of evolution. Whatever form they take, the crystalline structure of these stones absorbs, conserves, focuses, and emits energy. That is a try, especially on the electromagnetic waveband.

And because crystals are such efficient energy-enhancers and space-clearers, by gridding them, you can create a safe space to play, live, work, and love.

Crystals History

You may think that crystals are a New Age fad. However, they are actually one of the oldest forms of healing and have always been used for protection. Flint in the form of a pebble or a polished axe has been found in many Neolithic graves and crystals were sacred across the ancient world.

Specularite, for example, was mined in Africa from 40,000 BCE for cosmetic and ritual purposes. It symbolized the blood of the earth and was sprinkled on the bodies of the dead for thousands of years. According to an ancient medical text, in Iraq 5,500 years ago, lapis lazuli and jasper were laid around a living person to cure their ills.

Bloodstone, on the other hand, was used for diseased of the blood, exactly as today. In Egypt in 1900 BCE, lapis lazuli, carnelian, jasper, and turquoise were placed around the necks of newborn babies to protect them.

Crystals Mythology

Crystals are an integral part of mythology. Wearing lapis lazuli jewelry, the Sumerian goddess Inanna (a forerunner for Aphrodite and Venus) journeyed into the underworld carrying her lapis lazuli roads. These measured time and the length of a person’s life. It was believed that crystals were the flesh of the gods and that the gods were crystal beings.

Libyan Gold

The Libyan Gold tektite, the blood of Isis, turquoise, and lapis lazuli in Tutankhamun’s funeral jewelry we not just for decoration: they protected and conveyed his soul to the next world. A journey of over 800 arid kilometers (500 miles) had been undertaken to obtain Libyan Gold for the scarab in this pectoral. It depicted the daily voyage of the moon and the sun boat through the sky. In India, astrological remedial gems have been used for thousands of years. Similarly, in Egypt, mythology tells that a pair of celestial serpents fought and their perspiration fell to earth as gemstones.


In China too, crystals belonged to the realm of the gods and in both China and Japan it was thought that gems rained down from a lapidary sky. Many cultures envisaged a series of crystal domes surrounding the sky around which the planets rotated and stars held their place. Indigenous Australians took the view that fossils and gems came from the Dreamtime, an idyllic period rather like the time of the Dargen of Eden.

Norwegian Vikings

Norwegian Vikings erected a chapel on the Isle of Man floored with Quartz, with a Quartz reliquary box, possibly to intensify the vigor of the holy bones within it. Quartz had been used for thousands of years to amplify energy and construct stone circles. The builders of Stonehenge, in the English county of Wiltshire, laboriously transported Preseli Bluestone 400 km (250 miles) to the center of their sacred healing circle.

Crystal Structure

The internal crystal structure of any crystalline formation is constant and unchanging. It is this inner structure, rather than the minerals from which a crystal is formed, that is crucial to crystal classification. Each family of crystals has its own specific identity due to chemical impurities, radiation, earth, and solar emissions and the exact means of their formation.

In some cases, the mineral content differs slightly, creating various colors. While a number of crystals may be formed out of the same mineral or combination of minerals. Each type crystallized out differently and the shapes affect the way in which energy is focused.

The Earth’s Crust

The earth began as a whirling gas cloud of cosmic debris containing the raw materials for crystals. This contracted into a molten ball that was white-hot. Over millions of years, this molten magma cooled into a thin crust – the earth’s mantle – this is relatively about as thick as the skin on an apple. Inside the mantle, mineral-laden molten magma continues to boil, cool, and bubble and new crystals form.

Some, such as Quartz, form from the fiery gases and molten minerals in the magma. Superhot, they are propelled upwards by the movement of tectonic plates on the earth’s surface. As gases penetrate the crust and meet solid rock, they cool and solidify – a process that may take eons of time or be fast and furious.

Large crystals grow if the process has been relatively slow or if the crystal forms in a gas bubble. Faster processes create small crystals. Stopping and starting the growth process creates effects such as phantom or self-healed crystals. If the process is exceptionally fast, a glass-like amorphous crystal is formed.

Other crystals are formed when minerals melt and re-crystallize under intense pressure and enormous heat. These crystals, known as metamorphic, undergo a chemical change that reorganizes the original lattice. Calcite and other sedimentary crystals form from a secondary process when rocks at the surface weather and mineralized water drip through rocks.

Alternatively, it travels along a rive laying down eroded materials as new crystals or minerals become cemented together. Other crystals form from evaporation – these crystals are laid down in layers and are softer in texture. These are often found attached to or embedded within the bedrock, known as the matrix.

Crystals Directory

It is essential to identify crystals accurately, and the stones are, where possible, shown both raw and polished or faceted. Rather than picturing exquisitely beautiful crystals, we have established what you will find in a shop. Identification of stones is complicated because some old stones have new names, or the same stone might have different names.

Cathedral quartz, for instance, is now known as lightbrary and Atlantis stone. That is a name also applied to at least three other crystals. Some new quartzes are particularly difficult to tell apart.

Although their appearance varies only slightly, their energy is very different. For example, ‘Shift Crystals’ from Brazil look and feel like Himalayan Growth Interference (also named Nirvana quartz and Ice quartz) and Glacial Etched Quartz (also known as Ice Quartz) is similar. On the other hand, the term ‘Celestial Quartz’ is applied to two distinctly different stones.

Crystals Protection

Crystals subtly affect all the levels of your being and the space in which you live and work. Symptoms labeled as illness may, in fact, be signs of disease, blocked creativity, or emotional angst. The latter is the final manifestation of spiritual, environmental, psychological, karmic, mental, or emotional stress or imbalance.

Healing means bringing your mind, body, and spirit back into harmony. It even facilitates evolution for the soul. This does not imply a cure, particularly in cases where the soul is evolving through an – outwardly negative – experience. Yet, crystals adjust how you perceive that learning, support optimum well-being, and accelerate insight and spiritual growth.

Crystals Speak

So how do we know what crystals do? Well, it’s simple. They tell us. The ancients thought that stones were alive but only took a breath every one or two hundred years. Also, many cultures believed that they were incarnations of the divine. Crystal healers agree that these wonderful gifts from Mother Earth are living beings and see them as incredibly old and wise.

Treat your crystals like friends. Talk to your stones, hold them, meditate quietly, invite them to assist, and ask how they wish to work. You may be surprised by how easy it is to communicate with them and how much more effective energy work is when the language of crystals takes on a whole new meaning. Talking to crystals is particularly useful with newer, high-vibration stones.

Each crystal is individual and not all resonate with everyone. Communicating with them tells you which one is right for you.

The first thing a crystal communicates is that it is an efficient tool for energy enhancement, healing, and spiritual growth. Yet, each crystal works uniquely according to your individual vibration and needs. Do not limit your crystal by assuming that it only does certain things. All possibilities are open, and the more you attune to harmonize with crystals, the more they will delight – and surprise. A crystal will communicate its purpose if you’re ready to listen.

High-Vibration Crystals

Many new crystals have an exceedingly high vibration that brings about multi-dimensional healing spiritual alchemy – if your vibrations harmonize. These crystals may take some getting used to since they emphasize that you must do your own healing and evolutionary work in this dimension before moving onto a higher vibratory level. That is then expressed on the physical plane.

As with most crystals, they act as a mirror of your inner energies, which may come as something of a shock if you have acknowledged qualities within. Although they assist in embodying your highest being and manifesting your core spiritual identity – love – in the matter, crystals are not a shortcut to bliss or ascension. However, they do facilitate that shift when appropriate and ground it.

To see if a high-vibration crystal will resonate with you, hold it gently and sit quietly. Your body may vibrate as it attunes to the crystal or you may be instantly transported to another energetic dimension. It means this crystal will work with you. If this does not happen, choose another crystal and try again later when your vibrations have shifted.

Most high-vibration stones work slowly to bring about physical change if indeed they affect the physical body. That is because they act on the subtle levels of being first. If a high-dimension stone provokes a healing crisis or catharsis, remove it and hold a Smoky Quartz or Chlorite Quartz between your feet to stabilize your energies.

Power Stones

Crystals such as Smoky Elestial Quartz, Quantum Quattro, or any of the red Quartzes re-empower you if your physical or psychological energy has become depleted or drained. Pink stones assist with emotional empowerment as do many specific stones. White or Amethyst Elestial Quartz, Selenite, and other high-vibration stones empower at a spiritual level. These stones are particularly effective in a spectre formation.

To empower yourself with these crystals, simply relax and hold the appropriate one for 10-15 minutes. Breathe gently, let your eyes go out of focus, and be open to an in-flooding of energy as you ask that the stone restores your power. You can also empower yourself by wearing a dedicated crystal.

Borrowing Virtue

Most stones work exceedingly well if they are small, especially the high-vibration crystal. Yet, occasionally, the power surge of a large stone is required to bring about a particular effect. If you need the energy of a huge crystal but cannot afford one, or it has to be portable, ‘borrow virtue’ by placing a smaller stone on top of the large one and leave the two to attune to each other for 15 minutes or so.

The small stone will draw on the energy of the large to do its work, no matter how distant they are from each other. When cleansing the small stone, ask that the cleansing also works on the larger one.

Energy Enhancement and Space Clearing

Energy depletion occurs when your environment is affected by geopathic stress or electromagnetic smog. Placing crystals around a room or in the environment neutralizes and cleanses negative energies, making the space sacred and safe, energetically balanced and purified. Space can also be ‘polluted’ by negative emotions emanating from those within it.

Hang a large Chlorite Phantom or Smoky Elestial, point down in the lavatory cistern to energetically cleanse the entire house. You can also place crystals to draw more love or abundance into your life or to enhance an existing loving relationship or family life. After environmental factors, the most common cause of personal energy depletion is friends, family, and clients. Needy people ‘hook’ into the subtle bodies or physical organs to gain the nourishment they crave – they are psychic vampires – and thought may be sent to control what you do.

If your energy is high, your chakras align and your auric protection strong, it is much more difficult for negative energies, psychic vampirization, or controlling thoughts to affect you. The simplest way to raise your vibration is to wear an appropriate crystal – remember to cleanse and activate it before use and to purify it regularly. The best way to establish which crystal to wear is to dowse for it or simply choose one to which you feel strongly attracted.

Spleen Protection

Using a combination of crystals and the power of your mind helps to cut off energy vampirization. If you feel tired in someone’s company or when they call or have an ache beneath your left armpit, tape a spleen-protection stone such as Greenlandite or Gaspeite about a hand’s breadth under your left armpit.

Visualize a large, three-dimensional pyramid going down to your waist at your back and front to protect your spleen (make sure the pyramid has a floor). To re-empower yourself, replace the stone with Quantum Quattro or another power stone. A similar stone-and-pyramid setup can protect your liver from other people’s anger and your solar plexus from those desperate for emotional nourishment. Place the stone a hand’s breadth under the left armpit for emotional nourishment, and a hand’s breadth under the right for the liver and anger.

Safe Space

Crystals can hold the space while you leave your body and travel the dimensions or go deep within yourself. They make your living or working environment a much nicer place. Holding the space in any kind of gathering dramatically alters and enhances the dynamics and is essential if you are to work safely spiritually.

However, you need to be grounded in your body to create and hold a safe space. If ungrounded, you are open to subtle invasion. Fortunately, gridding with crystals both grounds and guards your physical body and facilitates your movement into multi-or inner dimensions. Large smoky celestials are the perfect stones for creating safe space, but large raw labradorite works equally well.

To protect your space from environmental pollution, large amazonite or black tourmaline are favorites. Similarly, greenlandite or poppy jasper works well too, as do elestials. A basic triangle of bronzite with a reversed triangle of black tourmaline over the top prevents ill-wishing or other negative energy from bouncing back and forth.

Gridding three stones in a triangle or six in a Star of David cleanses, protects, and energizes your space, and other layouts are also possible. Sick building syndrome, for instance, needs the powerful energy generated by a zig-zag pattern. It is worth experimenting with the energetic effect of various stones and shapes. Then, add a high-vibration or grounding crystal and feel the difference.


Gridding is the art of placing stones to create an energetic net to protect and energize space. The easiest way to grid a room or other space is to place a crystal in each corner since this creates an energy grid across the whole room. However, you can grid a room with whichever pattern feels right at the time.

Dowsing establishes the exact placement for crystals when gridding – join the crystals with a wand or long-point crystals, such as a Lemurian, to set the grid. Wands are the traditional tools of shamans, healers, and metaphysicians. The magic wands of myth and legend are believed to have been used by crystal healers in the ancient civilizations of Atlantis and Lemuria.

Wands have the ability to focus energy tightly through their tip, and the healing ability of wands is vastly expanded when dedicated with intent. When using a wand, it is important to consciously allow universal healing energy to flow in through your crown chakra and down your arm to the hand holding the wand, and then into the wand where it is amplified and passed on (using your own energy for this purpose is inefficient as this makes you weak and depleted and in need of healing).

Remember to cleanse and activate crystals before use, setting out your intention clearly.

When gridding, the lines of force may have to pass through walls and solid objects. Use either the power of your mind or a crystal wand to connect the points. Take it up to the point on the wall, watch it pass through the wall and then walk around to the other side to recommence the line.

1. Triangulation

You will need:

  • 3 cleansed and activated crystals
  • Crystal want

Triangulation gridding works well to neutralize negative energy and bring in positive energy. Place one crystal centrally along a wall and two others on the wall opposite at an equal angle is possible. If working on a whole house, the lines of force pass through walls. So, connect the points with a wand to strengthen the grid.


You will need:

  • 8 cleansed and activated crystals
  • Crystal wand

The zig-zag layout is particularly useful for dealing with sick building syndrome and environmental pollution. Place appropriate crystals and remember to return from the last stone laid to the first. Cleanse the stones regularly.

3. Five-Pointed Star

You will need:

  • 5 cleansed and activated stones
  • Crystal wand

This is a useful protection layout or caller-in of love and healing and it enhances your energy. Follow the direction of the arrows when placing crystals and remember to return to the start crystal to complete the circuit. Like the Star of David, this layout can be used to grid around a body and also for a room or other space.

4. Figure of Eight

You will need:

  • 5 cleansed and activated high-vibration stones
  • 5 cleansed and activated grounding stones

This layout draws spiritual energy down into the body and melds it with earth energy drawn up from the feet to create a perfect balance. It also opens a cosmic anchor

To ground you between the core of the earth and the galactic center, creating core-energy solidity that equips you to ride out energetic changes and channel high-vibration energy down to earth. Place high-vibration stones, such as amphibole, cacoxenite, blue moonstone, above the waist to the crown of the head, and grounding stones, such as poppy jasper, agate, septarian, below the waist, down to the feet.

Remember to complete the circuit back to the first stone.

5. Star of David

You will need:

  • 6 cleansed and activated crystals
  • Crystal wand

The Star of David is a traditional protection layout but also creates an ideal manifestation space when laid with large grossular garnet, ammolite, or other abundance stones. Lay the first triangle and join up the points, then lay another triangle the other way up, over the top. Join up the points. (If using bronzite and black tourmaline to neutralize ill-wishing, lay the bronzite triangle first and cleanse the star daily).
